Now come, let me be your light
There's a truth we can't defy
Somehow it's time
You won't deny it
There's a truth we can't defy
Somehow it's time
You won't deny it
What got lost inside
I have found it now
There's a reason why
I have found it now
There's a reason why
I will love you endlessly
And even if I cry
I'll be there by your side
For a lifetime
And I will love you endlessly
And even when we die
You'll be there, by my side
And even if I cry
I'll be there by your side
For a lifetime
And I will love you endlessly
And even when we die
You'll be there, by my side
So come let me be your life
After all these sleepless nights
Somehow I know
My strength will guide you
After all these sleepless nights
Somehow I know
My strength will guide you
Through the darkest times
Now that I have found
All the reasons why
Now that I have found
All the reasons why
I will love you endlessly
And even if I cry
I'll be there by your side
For a lifetime
And I will love you endlessly
And even when we die
You'll be there, by my side
And even if I cry
I'll be there by your side
For a lifetime
And I will love you endlessly
And even when we die
You'll be there, by my side
You know me well
Somehow I'm under your spell
I want you to see me
I'll share every moment with you
'Cause I will love
Somehow I'm under your spell
I want you to see me
I'll share every moment with you
'Cause I will love
I will love you endlessly
And even if I cry
I'll be there by your side
For a lifetime
I will love you endlessly
And even when we die
You'll be there, by my side
And even if I cry
I'll be there by your side
For a lifetime
I will love you endlessly
And even when we die
You'll be there, by my side
Ekola februarja, ko se ptički ženijo, je končno prišel čas, da pokažem dve voščilnici za zlato poroko. Narejeni sta bili sicer že pred časom, ampak ;).... Predlagam, da si poleg zavrtite pesem v izvedbi Amaranthe - Endlessly saj mislim, da
biti poročen 50 let v današnjih časih, res predstavlja večnost.... Besedila nisem prevajala, bolj paše tako ;)... spot je bil posnet na dejanski poroki enega izmed članov zasedbe Amaranthe - osebno in posebno sporočilo :).
Uporabila sem fantastično embossing srajčko, brez katere pri meni zadnje čase sploh ne gre. Izrez valovite amerikanke sem s pomočjo robnih bordur (Najlepši par za Italijanski trg) razrezala v "dekolte" in z embossingom papir spremenila v čipko na poročni obleki.
"dekolte"sem zataknila 5 rdečih vrtnic za večno ljubezen (mislim, da
biti poročen 50 let v današnjih časih, res predstavlja večnost...).
Celoto dopolnita dva lesena srčka in bakrena 50 z napisom. Še pikico
zelenja, prozornih tekočih perl in malo senčenja pa sta šli voščilnici
na pot.
Fotografije so bolj slabe, papir ni ne bel in ne tako rjavo/rumen kakor je na fotografijah - bolj neka smetana... Žal sta šli obe voščilnici "še vroči" iz rok in boljših fotografij ni bilo mogoče narediti. Ves uporabljen papir, razen osnove, je recikliran :).
Za eno vem, da stoji v vitrini in da so ob prejemu tekle solze... Misija uspela 💓!
Najlepši par - galerija meseca februarja
Vesela hiška #27 - ljubezen
Happy little stampers -anything goes with dies
Lil patch of crafty friends #176 - ang
TTCRD -ang
En lep pustni vikend - kureeeeentaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)!
9 komentarjev:
Krasna je! Boste morali fajn pustovat, da gre zima stran- pri nas trenutno sneži :)!
Fabulous creation
Thank you for entering our Anything Goes Challenge atThrough The Craft Room Door this week. Looking forward to see you again next challenge. Good luck Ginny
My Blog As I do Rodos
Verjamem, da so tekle solze, saj si se res potrudila in osrečila par, ki ve kaj pomeni biti skupaj v dobrem in slabem. Krasen poklon ljubezni.
Bodi dobro, lp Tamara
Absolutely stunning creation! I love the beautiful spray of flowers and the lovely texture in the background. Thank you for playing with us at the HLS Die Challenge and hope you can join in again soon.
Secrets To Stamping
Join my Creative Creases Challenge for fun folds!
Zelo lepi voščilnici za zlato poroko si izdelala. Verjamem, da so tekle solze ob pogledu nanjo. Všeč mi je krasen šopek rdečih vrtnic.
Poskusite jutri v Butalah pregnati zimo. Pri nas namreč pravkar močno sneži.
This is so elegant and beautiful! Love the flowers and the texture. Thanks so much for playing along with us at the HLS die challenge!
Se popolnoma strinjam, v današnjih časih 50 obletnica poroke pomeni celo večnost in res globoko povezanost.
Tvoja voščilnica za par je čudovita. Zelo všeč mi je embosirano ozadje.Lepo, da si nas obiskala v Veseli hiški. Pozdrav Janja DT
Koliko ljubezni in simbolike je na tvoji prekrasni voščilnici. Res si se potrudila za zlati par. Hvala, da si se pridružila našemu izzivu v Veseli hiški. Valerija DT
Misija je več kot uspela :-)
Navdušena sem nad simboliko in tvojo čudovito voščilnico. Popolna je za tako lepo praznovanje.
Ti pošiljam velik objem, Majda
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